Monday, May 30, 2011

Stars and Stripes

Celebrating Memorial Day!
It is a day to pay tribute to the men and women who serve, and have served, who have left their loved ones behind, and who have lost their lives!
Previously called "Decoration Day!" One origin coming from the south... Decoration Day was a day to decorate the grave-sites of the men who fought for freedom and lost their lives. Although the actual origin is unknown, there are many stories about the original Memorial Day, but all having the same common theme...

Today we decorate our homes in honor of Memorial Day...

I chose to make a pretty banner of red, white, and blue! Here are a few inspirational pictures I found on! I incorporated elements of each to make it my own...

Here is my version...

I used craft paper, string, and glue to make this simple banner of stars and stripes!

Happy Memorial Day!


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